
Producer. Advocate. Educator. Facilitator.


Patricia R Garza 

Currently serving as Director of Programs and Engagement at the Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET), Patricia is overseeing NET’s programmatic activities-including the NET/TEN grant program, the Connector mobile app for artist-to-artist touring and resource sharing, events/convenings, and online field learning-as well as member engagement and marketing/communications.

A former member of the artistic staff at L.A.’s Center Theatre Group (CTG) for over a decade, Patricia filled roles spanning artistic and new play development, education and community partnerships, and programming. Most recently, as Line Producer of Special Artistic Projects, they managed new play projects and essential artistic initiatives. 

Patricia had the honor of working alongside former CTG Associate Artistic Director Diane Rodriguez for six years. Together they engaged world-renowned international and local companies on multi-year projects focused on collective and ensemble creation.

Patricia’s passion is working with other creative professionals nationally on issues surrounding anti-racism and collective liberation with a focus on the LGBTQIA+ community through artEquity. Board service includes Get Lit, L.A.'s leading nonprofit in teen poetry programs. Patricia has an MFA/MBA in Theater Management from California State University, Long Beach, and a BA in English with a minor in Theater Studies from UC Berkeley.

Industry Honors

Theatre Communications Group’s Young Leader of Color
Theatre Communications Group Leadership U Continuing Ed grant recipient
Salzburg Global Seminar on Young Cultural Leaders Fellow (x2)
Featured in Latino Leaders Magazine as a Club Leader for LA

Grant Panelist

Advance Gender Equity in the Arts’ Ignite Program (2021)
California Arts Council Administrators of Color Fellowship (2020)
National Endowment for the Arts, Theatre (2020)
L.A. Department of Cultural Affairs, Mobile Arts Providers (2020)
L.A. County Arts Commission, Community Impact Arts Grant (2017)
Arts Education Partnership Program, Don Knabe District (2014)
Los Angeles County Arts Commission, Organizational Grant (2010

Yearly Themes

Five years ago, I started a tradition of applying a theme to my year. I felt that every time I set goals or New Years’ resolutions I would get overwhelmed and this anxiety would usually end up with me not accomplishing any of my goals. Through the themes I was able to breathe and simply say “that is not my focus this year.” I recently also started journaling a weekly reflection on something good that happened and at the end of the year analyzing what major threads/categories emerged and reflected if they spoke to my established theme. I find this practice incredibly helpful in keeping focus and inspiration as I move about my year. I share these as offerings to spark creativity in your own journey.


To Honor & Cherish


Dig Deep






Cultivating Craft



Yearly Reflection for 2020

  • Cultivating Family/Home (Biggest Category!)

  • Experiencing and Creating Art (Tied for Biggest Category)

  • Cultivating Friendship

  • In the Service of Justice

  • In Remembrance of Diane and Those I Miss